I've joined in Belinda's Back to basics to challenge. I was inspired by Belinda's
post, so I thought this is how I'm trying to have us live so why not join a challenge. so here goes -
Sowing seed or Planting - This week we planted another 10 tomato plants, this added to the 23 we have planted at Steve's parents house totals 33 tomato plants all together, we eat a lot of tomatoes here all year round so hopefully fruit fly and possums won't get to them first. In the green house at the moment Steve has
Bok Choy (this grows like a weed), carrots, cape gooseberries, celery. In the garden we have Zucchini, Beans, beetroot, radishes, tomatoes, corn, pop corn, watermelon, rockmelon, apple cucumbers, leb cucumbers, capsicuim, onions, potatoes, lettuce, strawberries, asparagus, garlic, pumpkin, squash.
Planning for The Future - As far into the future I'm planning for at the moment is Christmas, as I have written in past posts that my goal is to make as many of my pressies as possible, to date I have made 4 aprons, 2 drink bottle holders, 4 wash cloths, oh dear, I had better get a move on Christmas is only 5 minutes away, I still have some baking to do but that will be closer to the date.
Working for the Future - In the last year I have bought a
Fowlers preserving unit so I can preserve fruits and vegetables when they are in season so that I have them for when they are out of season and outlandishly expensive. I'm hoping to have a good crop of Tomatoes to do this with so I don't have to buy another tinned tomato. I have always had a good stock of basic provisions in the pantry, lentils, flour, rice, beans etc. I buy these things when they are on special.
Building Community - Learn a new Skill - In the past year I have been re learning skill that I once had, sewing, knitting, crocheting, cooking from scratch. I could already do all these things but over the years i had let them slide always saying I didn't have time. The one new skill I have taught myself is how to make soap, I have made 2 batches to date and we love it. Steve's eczema is a little better for the effort. I also make our washing powder which has helped with the eczema also.
Thanks for visiting.
Hi Tracie thanks for stopping by my blog. I love that we are all on different parts of this journey towards a simpler way of life.
this is really impressive...I would love a vegie patch!
Hi Thanks for visiting my blog. I liked yours to. I have never been lucky with rosella germination either so when you find the secret let me know. Caroline
Hi Tracie, just a quick note to let you know your Pay it Forward went into the post this morning. I really hope you like your gift.
Thanks tracie I'm glad you like my music selection. Caroline
Sounds like you are really embracing the simpler life, how do you do it working fulltime?
I've not tried soapmaking, is it easy? I do make my own washing liquid, though we still have to buy some in because David won't use the homemade stuff. We get an ecobrand for his washing, he likes to do his own clothing.
The Back to Basics Challenge is a great idea and I'd like to be a part of it as well but for now I have Tagged you for 6 Random Things about yourself :)
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