Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Chicken Assessment

I've been keeping chickens for approx 10 years.
In this time we've had various incarnations of runs. Recycled pallets, garden sheds etc.
We started with 2 chicks, that we bought at the local Market. It was the middle of July and we didn't even have a heat lamp. We put these two little chicks on the back patio in a cardboard box with water and food and warm bedding. We weren't even sure if they would survive the night. The did and they became 2 gorgeous hens (lucky as they were unsexed), that gave us lovely eggs for about 2 years, this was enough time for us to become diehard chook lovers.
We live in a local council area that only allows 10 hens per household. At the moment we have 2 light sussex, 3 Barnvelders, 1 Whyndotte (not my favourite breed), 2 Isa Browns and one chick that is a lavender sussex.
One of our Light Sussex over the last 5 years has continually gone broodie, so this year we put 2 fertilised eggs under her and she managed to hatch one of them, so now we have one little Lavender Sussex that Floppsey is being a fantastic Mum too. It is so beautiful to watch.
The Current living arrangement we have for our girls is an Egglu. In 2016 we did a knock down rebuild and knew that where we were going to be living for 12 months would have foxes so we wanted to keep our little family of hens safe, and Egglu's are brilliant for this, yes it was tested numerous times in that 12 month period.
The Foxes came mainly in the morning and we caught them terrifing our chickens on quite a few occassions. In the end I was getting my hubby to pee on the boundary to try and keep them away.
2 years later we are living back on our block of land in our new house and the girls are very happy living in our newly planted Orchard and they have the run of this Orchard, they aren't allowed in the vege garden though unless very well supervised.

Monday, August 27, 2018

The last 2 years

Well, quite a lot has happened since I last visited this space. I have had Major Heart surgery (that is a very long story maybe for another day).

We have knocked down our house and built a brand spanking new one and moved into that brand spanking new house and have been working on making it our home. This week we would have been 1 year.

We now share our home with Steve's parents who are very elderly and even though they were coping very much on their own, there is going to come a day when they won't, so we thought the best option for that was to all move in together. Aged care in this country isn't very good but they have us.

We have been working very hard on building our garden back to all it's glory.
Orchard and chookies.
other side of Orchard
Roy the rooster and birdbath
for the bees and the birds to
have a drink.

The Gate to the orchard and vegie

Vege patch

We have fenced the Vegie Patch with a pallet fence to keep the chooks out. They get to free range in the Orchard hopefully keeping any bugs out of the soil so we can have healthy fruit with no fruit fly sting.

Now that spring is on it's way we will be working harder and harder to get lovely fresh produce right from the back yard. I've been harvesting lovely greens for salads every day so hopefully soon there will be tomatoes and cucumbers too.

Till Next time
