Friday, December 26, 2008

Back to work...

The four day break I have been looking forward to is over. Back to work this morning for 5 hours.

Christmas day was spent at my BIL's house, we had a nice time helping the children play with their presents our SIL had made a nice lunch the day was great as I didn't have to cook.

After Lunch the kids went swimming in the pool. They had a great time jumping in while I took photos.

I got lots of nice pressies for Christmas, Pandora style beads for my bracelet, 2 WII games Monopoly and Beach Sports, and the Nourishing Traditions Book and Candle and Soap Making for Dummies. I am looking forward to trying some of the recipes in the Nourishing Traditions book.
On Boxing day we had some friends for lunch, I cooked slow cooked Roast Pork and Veges and for dessert we had home made Plum Pudding, cream, custard or icecream. I didn't cook the pudding, one of my customers gave it to me as a pressie. I can tell you it was delicous.
Yesterday we harvested another 4 kilos of tomatoes I think this is about 12 kilos to date. This morning I made "Green Tomato Pickles" they are now bottled and ready for storage. This is the first time I have made these pickles. I was going to make tomato sauce but I don't have enough ripe tomatoes.

1 comment:

Anya said...

Its a very nice house ;)
Nice blog you have.
Greetz Anya